Wednesday, February 26, 2014


If you get the church newsletter, here is a teaser for what you'll be reading in this month's installment!

Spring is coming!  Can’t come soon enough for me.  Green grass, lovely flowers, walks in the garden and GARDENING!!!  I am going to try snow peas this year.  Birds in the trees and cherry blossoms in my back yard.  Open water and rainstorms.  I really cannot wait for warmer weather to come at last.   I have to admit, I don’t care much for winter.  Well...I think all of you know that by now.  It’s not a new admission.  But I am not going to complain about it.  If I do you’ll all remind me that I was going to be working on being thankful for ALL things...including winter!

Its been a tough winter this year...unusually so it seems.  But the challenges have certainly had their benefits.  I have noticed that some of the old hardiness I had with cold temperatures (though by no means all of it!) has come back.  I actually found that I was walking around, in 32 degree weather a week or so ago, without a hat or gloves, and my coat unzipped.  It almost felt “balmy” out!  16 degrees, as it is today, does not feel quite as bone shattering as it did at first.  Even my tolerance for low temperatures inside my house has increased.  So yes, there have been some real benefits.

But now, you are going to be really surprised

Find out why by reading this month's newsletter.  And for those of you who read this blog but don't get it, ask for a free subscription on BCC's Facebook page. Or, I will also print the rest of this blog next week.

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