Saturday, February 22, 2014

From Goal to Depression: A Possible Help for the Blues

A wise person once noted that I was a person who tended to get the blues a lot.  I can get down emotionally.  I can get angry and frustrated with life and how it works.  He pointed out to me that these things go together.  He said that Depression/the Blues is really just anger turned inward.  Anger often times (though not always) comes from being frustrated.  Frustration is the result from blocked goals and assumptions.

This was a major revelation to me.  

Frustration becomes anger which then is internalized resulting in depression.  

Now please don’t misunderstand a very important point here.  Sometimes there are chemical issues that result in depression.  But when we are depressed or feeling blue, this little principle should force us to think through what our goals and assumptions of life really are.  Do they match reality?  Do they match God’s plan?  When they don’t and we feel frustrated, then that can result in depression.

Therefore, if one is feeling blue or depressed, one must question what they are frustrated with.  And if they are frustrated, what are the goals that are being blocked?Sometimes those goals might not be readily apparent to ourselves.  They may be unstated. They may be founded on ideas that are not grounded in reality.  Or they may run contrary to God’s goals for us.  Want to be frustrated?  Try to work against God!  That WILL result in frustration!

We may need to rework our assumptions of how life is supposed to work.  For example: If you believe that everyone who prays should be healthy, then if you are not healthy, won't you be frustrated and depressed about prayer?  This person needs to revisit their assumptions about the connection between health and prayer.

If you believe that every tither should become rich, and you don’t think you are rich, you may get frustrated with God, and depressed about tithing.  You may need to revisit your beliefs about the connection between obedience and blessing, or your assumptions about the nature of what God means about being rich!

If you have as a goal in life to have a nice house on a hill, far away from any  nosy neighbors, but your job is not providing the income required, or the dream promotion remains a dream, or your degree program is proving too difficult, you may need to revisit your long term goal and your short term goals you require to get that house!

One must discover ones goals for life, and assumptions about how it works to understand why they feel blue.  Best cures: talk about life and frustration with someone who can help you dig out false assumptions or unreasonable goals;  read scripture and live the principles there revealed, especially that of Loving God and Loving your neighbor in a sacrificial way.

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