Thursday, April 17, 2014

Were You There?

Its one of those statements that comes up periodically in Bible studies and sermons.  Its even a question that’s immortalized in the famous Negro Spiritual, “Were You There?”  Over the years it has sometimes struck me as opportunistic emotional manipulation, or a way to generate cheap oos and ahs from your audience:  “I was there when they drove in the nails, and all the people said Amen.”  You know that type of thing.  You’ve heard it before.

But this week I entered some serious introspection, and began to review my life in light of that question, “Were you there?”  Instead of thinking about it piously and shallowly, and I realized that I was very much there in a variety of ways.

I have done my work mercilessly and callously like a Roman Soldier,
I have heckled people of faith like the crowd.
I have hated and plotted murder like a pharisee,
I have abandoned and denied my Lord like a disciple.
Like a crucified bandit, I have judged people better than I 
Even as I hang guilty and condemned between heaven and earth.
I have been jealous like a Sadducee,
I have rejected truth like a Pilate.
I sought to use violence to enforce my will, like a Peter,
I have betrayed like a Judas

Easter has always been the Highest Holiday on the calendar until about the last couple of centuries.  Its a day for celebration and victory.  I thank God for Easter, because it says that there is hope and forgiveness for every human being on earth.   But Thursday is about Betrayal, and Friday is about Repentance. 

 “You ARE the man.”  “All we like sheep, have gone astray.”  Were you there on Good Friday?  The scriptures say it is so.

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