Saturday, March 8, 2014

Persecution: Coming for the Church?

We had a discussion this morning about the course of direction of our country during our men’s breakfast.  We were all in agreement that we are coming to another important crossroads in our nation, when Christians will be forced to make a hard and difficult choice.  Will we swim with the stream?  Or will we turn our back on the fear of man, and turn toward our God despite what our culture WILL do to us.

It has been so for God’s people throughout most of history.  For the Jews, the choice was whether or not they would fall down before Baal, or the image set up by Nebuchadnezzar.  For the early Christians, would they worship the image of Caesar?  Later Christians might be required to submit to the Pope, or to the Mass.  Others would be forced to recant teachings on baptism.  Still others would be forced to convert to Islam, or be killed by Hindu masters.  All because what Christians believe swims against the tide of they most of humanity runs.

Many are under an illusion that Christians here in the United States will not suffer persecution before Jesus comes back.  I wonder what Bible they are reading.  It has been the normal state for Christians to suffer.  We, here in the US, ARE the aberration of history.  Jesus tells us that we will suffer, as does Peter.  Paul points out that everyone who lives godly in Christ will suffer.  Maybe people who believe Christians in the US won’t suffer for Christ are subtly admitting that they are not living godly.

The more I read the Bible, the more convinced I am that Christians world wide WILL suffer before Jesus comes back.  When I say “Comes back,” I mean for his Church in the “Rapture.”  I do believe that the rapture takes place before the time of “Jacob’s Trouble,” which is often termed by many “The Great Tribulation.”  I don’t see from scripture that the church is destined for that.  But I am convinced that we, the Christians of the United States, will be forced to swim against the tide of culture.  That this will cause us to experience real persecution; that many of us will be arrest and imprisoned for our conscience; our property vandalized (this is already happening); forced to give up our worldly positions either in the courts or by the hands of the executive branch of US government; beaten and lynched by mobs.  

I prayed that God would find us men in the church faithful should that day come.  I do not love that day.  I do not rejoice to see it coming.  I do not want to suffer loss for the sake of Christ. I admit that.  Yet, the only question really is, will I do it willingly should it come?  Will God find me faithful?  Will I bear witness to this culture that Christ is worth more to me than anything this world offers?  

Plan on it, Christian, so you will not be surprised when that day comes. Plan for these things to happen.   Plan to say goodbye, and to be arrested, beaten and hated by the people of this world.  

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