When a particular minority becomes a frequent target for ridicule and threats of violence, it is common wisdom amongst liberals that it is not long before someone will act on those things. We can all agree that this is not they way it ought to be. But that's a common belief.
Let's grant that for a moment, for the sake of argument.
We can talk about mental illness. We can talk about the role guns or other weapons play in acting out violence. According to our president, taking away guns will stop these things from happening (never mind that the vast majority of all gun violence is produced by those who are already law breakers). But until we restore an air of civility in our country, we will continue to have events like Colombine and Umpqua.
Anyone can get online to virtually any forum or social media, and see Christians are regularly targeted for ridicule and violent talk. If anyone did that to any other interest group in our culture, they would be publicly shamed. But not when it comes to mocking and advocating violence against Christians! Especially white evangelicals. It is open season on us at this time.
Any organization that labeled Black Lives Matter (which advocates violence against police) or other such groups as hate groups would be vilified. But the Southern Poverty Law Center has gotten away with attempted murder since a man who read their materials went and tried to shoot up a conservative Christian special interest group in Washington DC a few years ago. Not a peep from the liberal press or from secularist cultural leaders.
We are to expect persecution. Even glory in it, as Christians. We have the example of the Apostles and the admonition of Christ.
Yet we live in a pluralistic culture that teaches that as long as you don't push violence, you have a place at the table. Christ followers don't advocate violence. The hardest thing we do is warn people that there is a real Hell, and that all people who do not repent and follow Christ are going there. That's not violence. Its a warning we give out of love.
Here, there is a double standard that the cultural liberals and secularists apply. The rules of welcome at the table apply to everyone but us. And therefore, they are complicit in the activities of people like Dylan Klebold and Christopher Mercer. I have a word for you. Hypocrites. You demand that we not judge you, but then we are treated with open contempt and violent words, hence, you judge us. We do not judge you. We are only telling you what God has said. Everything else is between you and Him.
We, as Christians, are warning you that there is a God, and a real Hell. You MUST repent. But having done so, our responsibility is over. You go your way, and we will go ours. Live and let live....right?
...but you won't.
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