I have not forgotten about you, or this blog AGAIN! It has been a busy week, and I hope to post the next edition by tomorrow, with the next events of Esau's life.
It has been a very busy week with the start of my classes at Calvin Seminary, in Grand Rapids. I am enjoying what I am doing there, but I did have a "Deer in the Headlights" moment on Monday. It has been my intent to go on to a Ph.D. program all along. I desire to teach and influence the next generations by teaching on a college campus, after the manner of a C.S. Lewis or a Francis Schaffer.
Monday, Dr Young Kim, from Calvin College, graciously sat down with me and spelled out for me what I face as a prospective Ph.D. student. In short, here it is in list form:
The likelihood that I may not find a job on college campus unless I go to a "Tier 1" school
Tremendous amounts of debt, unless I can be fully funded.
The need to learn German, French, Latin, refresh my Koine Greek, and possibly Italian and Coptic. The first three on that list need to be learned probably in the next couple of years.
Daunting is a term I can certainly a term I can use for this.
Shortly thereafter, still feeling some "shock and awe," I bumped into Pastor Keith Doornbos, who is a very wise man. As we talked, I realized that the timing of my conversation with Dr. Kim was no mistake. If I had had that conversation a few months ago, I would never have signed up for class. I was MEANT to come to school at Calvin.
Keith pointed out to me that I have three options: Give up the dream; Modify the Dream; Chase the dream and embrace the work.
So far I have chosen the third. I am researching modification. The goal is always to teach on a secular campus and represent Christ there. But I do love to study history. The way may be hard, but it is not impossible. And God seems to have a way of moving people through hard experiences, and getting them through to the other side.
So here I am. Tomorrow I plan to being studying Latin and possibly German for an hour per day. I also have studies to complete, as well as a continued study on Esau, a character whom I can very much identify with, to continue.
God bless you, and pray for me that I can achieve what I believe God has called me to do and to be.
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