I wonder if my son, David, saw this news item:
If he had, I am sure he would have just flipped. Can you imagine going through your family member’s estate, and finding some gem like this tucked away in the back of a barn? A precious coin or stamp in the back of some drawer? A rare antique dresser gathering dust in some attic?
This individual apparently only enjoyed his treasure enough to know it was there. He was so afraid of damaging it that he did not even take it to have it washed. Eventually it was parked and no longer driven, in fear lest it should be damaged. Now, I don’t know about you, but even at the sticker price it had in 1969 (5200 dollars) it represented a signficant drop of cash! And then to stop driving it? Just because it might get a scratch? Wow! I guess he understood that possessions are only temporary (proverbs 23:5) but that knowledge apparently did not give him the freedom to enjoy what God had given (Ecc 5:19).
I know what that article is making you think of doing. You are thinking about that old coin collection you stuck aside years ago. You are dreaming of the things you could get today if your mom hadn’t thrown away those old comic books or the baseball cards you saved as a kid. Maybe you are wondering if there is some lost loot in that old barn that maybe you missed when you first bought the old farm house?
I can tell you that there is treasure in your home. Hopefully its not covered with dust! Hopefully its not buried in some old drawer, or lost in the back of an old barn. Know what it is? Yeah, you know where this is going…
Its your Bible.
Now you feel ripped off. You thought this would be a great article about a classic car and it turned out to be another trap to make you feel guilty about not reading the scriptures. But if you have not been reading them, I am trying to make you feel guilty. You already are!!
Ok, folks. Its time to get out those Bibles and dust them off. Time for us to read and be renewed! There is treasure in “them thar” pages!
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