Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Who are you…?

"Who" is a vitally important question to ask.

It is one of the most important questions we should ask when reading scripture.  When we approach scripture with a desire to mine deeper than the mere surface, we must ask, "Who?"  Such as, "To whom is this material written?" or "Who wrote this particular book of the Bible?"  Its very important for unlocking the eternal principles enshrined in scripture.

Knowing the who, "Moses," and the "to whom, "The Joshua Generation" makes a huge difference to understanding the book of Genesis.  Think about it.  What happens in the first half of Genesis?  Consider the judgments that take place?  Why might those events be important as we understand that the Joshua generation is about to enter the land for the first time?  And don't expect me to spoon feed you!  Look for yourself.

Who is also important when it comes to application.  Read John 17 and ask, "Who?"  "Who is praying this prayer?"  "Who is he praying for?"  When you realize that the "who" is praying for is also you (v. 20) it makes all the difference in the world that you were on the mind of Christ during those last few precious minutes with his disciples.

Socrates once said that the unexamined life is not worth living.  So we have to examine ourselves Using that little word, "Who" is so important.  Who are you?  Who you are and what you understand about you and your nature make all the difference in how you see your life and in the choices you make. As you answer this question, it is important to understand what God says about "who" you are in scripture.

Your world and culture teach you one thing about "who" you are.  Scripture teaches something very different.  When you apply scripture to life, make sure you also apply the truth of what scripture says "who" you are.  When you come to have "buy in" about "who" God says you are, you will find that your mind begins to change, your choices begin to change, and your life will begin to change in unexpected and wonderful ways.

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